Monday, March 21, 2011

More Cambodia and Bangkok Pictures

A post from our visit to Chaing Mai to come soon .... in the meantime, enjoy the rest of the pictures from Siem Reap and Bangkok that we didn't have time to post last week before we left.

Ged spotted these cuties while outside one afternoon in Siem Reap

he gave them the thumbs up sign and got this in return!

our view of the town during cocktails one night in Siem Reap

clocks at the hotel in Siem Reap - something's off and we didn't think it had anything to do with confusion over daylight savings time

old market in Siem Reap - you could find anything here ... silk scarves, eggs, paintings, a whole assortment of fish - you get the idea

old market

Siem Reap

Siem Reap

Siem Reap

Siem Reap

Siem Reap

deals to be had in Siem Reap
Siem Reap

Siem Reap

Siem Reap

gas station in Siem Reap

Siem Reap
first night in Bangkok - view from hotel

first night in Bangkok - view from hotel

Grand Palace in Bangkok
(including next series of photos)

Emerald Buddha

lotus blossoms in water outside the temple with the Emerald Buddha - people would dip the blossom in the water and touch to their head with a blessing

a ride along the "klongs" - the canals in Bangkok

feeding the fish outside the temple

Grand Palace from the other side of the river

Wat Arun - Temple of the Dawn

Ged was moving a little faster up the stairs - you can spot him right at the top

view from Wat Arun

view from Wat Arun

Wat Arun

Wat Po and the Golden Buddha

Golden Buddha

getting good luck by dropping coins into the metal pots at Wat Po - the noise from everyone doing this resonnated throughout the building and was very cool

materials used for the scaffolding in prep for work to be done at Wat Po - a little different than NYC

negotiating the taxi rate

View from Vertigo at Banyan Tree Hotel

weekend market

weekend market

weekend market

weekend market

weekend market

weekend market



Chinatown market street (more like an alleyway)

freaky street - pre freaky hours

freak street - supposedly preparing for freaky hours

last night in Bangkok - view from the hotel

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