Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Forgotten Bag

The Forgotten Bag is our blog that adds some running commentary to the pictures we are sharing and will also post on Facebook.  The blog is named after the fact that we left a bag containing all of Julia’s clothes (52 lbs worth) in Connecticut and had to have it shipped to Singapore (Newark -> Kentucky -> Anchorage -> South Korea -> China -> Singapore per online tracking) for a small fortune.  For the record we share blame equally however I do recall Julia using all the hot water the morning we left and I pointed out that starting the day with a cold shower (as I was forced to do) was a very bad omen – so – I can’t help but think this is more Julia’s fault.

Enjoy the Forgotten Bag and please feel free to post comments and share with anybody you think may be interested.  Look forward to seeing everybody when we return in late Spring.

1 comment:

  1. I seem to remember a forgotten bag on a train in your past, Ged! Julia not involved in that one, so if the past is any indicator of the future....

    Look forward to reading about your adventures.
