Saturday, January 15, 2011

Shamwari: day 2

Day 2 at Shamwari was not quite as pretty but we still had two stunning game drives.  The first one left at 6:00 am and started out with a bang when we came across a pride of lions before 7:00 am!

they were gorgeous to watch - very lazy - there were seven in total with all but a couple of them napping in the brush
Other highlights from the morning drive are below

a large herd of impala

young male impala

the unbelievable view of Shamwari

We thought we had just come across this one giraffe - much to our surprise there were 20+ friends with him!

even some baby giraffes!


Back at Long Lee Manor, we snapped this picture of the zebra at the watering hole just outside our room.

Our afternoon drive was decidedly more dreary weather wise, but not any less exciting for game viewing.  Highlights are below.


blue crane

male warthog

male cheetah! 

we came across the pride of lion again - again napping in the brush

four white rhinos

at the end of the drive, we came across a "bachelor herd" of impala - all young males who travel together in a group

they were grazing and sparring with one another - our guide told us they were practicing fighting skills for the time they will have to challenge the head male for a territory in mating season


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